28 July, 2011

The Very Scattered Update

Sorry no pictures or cute scrapbook this time.
I saw the doctor on Tuesday, everything is going well. Our little man is moving
and grooving all over the place these days especially at night.
His heart rate is great and i finally put on some weight (good for him bad for me)
The only place i ever wanted to see a number that high was next to the box labeled IQ
not weight.

Haha all well

As for Blake and I
We are doing great he is almost done with his second rotation.
Which is great because it means i get the car back!!
It is really hard to be stuck at home all day long, I sew and cook(when it is not to hot)
I try to go on walks but never make it very far, thank you round ligament pain.
It will be nice to be able to go to the library and store when i want to.
We are getting really excited to fly out tomorrow morning for Zach's Wedding!!
I will post more after our trip, hopefully something a little more exciting with pictures.


15 July, 2011


So I am hoping that Carson(our son) likes monkeys because he is accumulating quit a collection of monkey items thanks to his mother's(me) like for them.  

This is Blake before setting up Carson's new bed. I love that the bed easily breaks down to such a small size so it can travel to grandparent's homes with us.

Here it is all set up! It has a changing table and it is a play yard as well.

These are the Monkey blanket and monkey bibs I have made for him. With my new sewing machine. the machine allows me to embroider letters so the bib says "Mommy's little Monkey"

Of the 8 outfits we have bought for him so far 4 of them have monkeys on them.
Blake says we need to start looking at other animals. like a horse!!!!