31 August, 2012

When you look at Carson you never remember that he was born 6 weeks early, with all that chunk you just forget. But as we have taken him to his check ups they go through the list 
Does he roll over?
Does he sit up by himself?
Does he pull into a stand?
on and on and my answer to the questions is always a sheepish no. 
then the doctor replies "Well he was born early so lets give him a month and see if he does more."
so i take him home and we play and wait and he always grows and improves and learns new things. 
This month our Little Man Carson, turned 11 months old and has started doing 2 new things that we are so proud of 

We are so proud of you Carson, and love you so much.
Thanks for filling our life with joy.

23 August, 2012

11months old update

So I am a lot better at keeping his scrapbook up to date then the blog.
Our awesome little man is 11months old today and I can't believe it. 
We are finally done with Pharmacy School, Blake is licensed and everything. Yay!
Now we are looking forward to finding a house to rent in the Hillsboro Oregon area
starting at the end of November. 
Carson loves to play and eat. He is getting so big and is working on his 7th tooth.
here is the last few months in a nut shell.